Top benefits of using Instander Banner.

Top Benefits Of Using Instander

Instander is a modified version of Instagram that offers many new features and functions that are not available on the official Instagram. There are some benefits of using Instander APK over official Instagram.

Free To Download:

The Instander is completely free to download and involves no risk or any security threats while using it, as it is 100% authentic and safe to be downloaded and installed on your phone.


The best thing about the Instander is that it is available on any, Android device, Windows or PC, and iOS devices. You can download and install it free on any of the devices and operating systems mentioned.

Download Media:

You can download any image, reel, or video in Instander APK the official Instagram lacks this feature. Downloading media is everybody’s demand today so if you want to download any media, you have to download the app on your phone.

No Ads:

Instander provides you with a very amazing feature of getting no advertisement at all. It’s a completely ad-free Instagram with the ability to block any advertisement including sponsored ads so that the user can enjoy hurdle-free browsing.

Quality Improvement:

With Instander you can also enhance the quality of an image or video by changing the default quality to the maximum quality of every image, reel, or video. You can go ahead and choose all of these settings by default meaning photos, reels, and stories in high quality and improve photo quality when you post it.

Ghost Mode:

It enables the user to become a mysterious entity. In the ghost mode, you can hide your typing status, you can watch anyone’s story without being noticed, and not only that you can also go through your direct messages without being marked seen.

Developer Mode:

The Instander also has the developer option where you can customize your application according to your taste and will, the official Instagram has its limitations over its application to the user but on the other hand the Instander is beyond any limitation.


You can disable ads, analytics, and crash reports. This allows those of you who care about privacy a lot to go ahead and view Instagram anonymously without giving any of your data or any of your analytics back to your Instagram. Disabling ads, analytics, and crash reports can enhance your privacy by limiting the amount of data shared with the platform.

There are many other benefits of using the Instander, if you want to go through all the benefits and features of the Instander you can read the features section which is available on the home page.